OOPs is better in VB6 than VB.Net

		Some time ago, MS decided to eliminate VB6. As a long time user of VB6 it
wasn't much of a transition to go to VB.Net, nonetheless, what I increasingly 
discovered was a huge loss in productivity, especially for those little niggly 
glue projects in teaching, or manufacturing, or where you are transitioning code, or visualizing
a CNC output, or solving a simple differential equation, or doing path planning for
a robot, or connecting a sensor and visualizing it's output. This was caused by throwing
away a myriad of polished stones simultaneously, thousands and thousands
of small hidden refinements and productivity helps that were added to VB6 over 20 years 
were suddenly lost with VB.Net. But just below the surface, in all those kinky
formats that made professional software people sick at their stomachs was 
another huge problem.  VB6 did a better job at OOPs than VB.Net. It did so
by "getting it right", by understanding what objects you wanted to use
most frequently and hiding the complexity for getting you there.  For example,
your mother might say "Go to the drugstore and get some Band-Aids."  What 
she doesn't say would stifle an elephant and kill the most obnoxious prima donna
from Brooklyn, New York. She doesn't say: "Walk along Elm Avenue going south until
you approach the "Tenth Street Pharmacy" at GPS coordinates 41.825 North, 
by 85.176 West, enter thorugh the East door, the pharmacy door, try not
to look guilty of theft by keeping your hands at your sides, proceed 8 feet
to the department aisle labelled Pharmacy by .......etc.,etc.,etc. and find
the large rack with containing "Winkle and Tinkle" Band-Aids.....
(PS Would you ever come back from that trip, or would you tell mom.....)

i.e. Not every who, what, when, where, why, how much, and how many, needs be 
specified.  That's why a lot of programmers prefer Python. Context information
is even much less desireable.   
 	When you went to the MS web site and read the rants and suggestions it was clear
not only that Microsoft did not understand, not only did the programming community not
completely comprehend, but in addition, there was a huge ego trip being had.  A classic
reply might be: "VB6 is dead, get over it, take the time to learn real programming."
So what I thought I would do is offer 20 simple productivity hints that could 
easily be added back to VB.Net, while infuriating as many MS C++ wannabe types as
earthly possible.  
	1. Shorten names.  "Beep" not "WindowsMessageBeep", "MsgBox" not "MessageBox.Show" 
	2. Invoke default OOPs objects and targets wherever possible.  Why type 
		Form1.Label1.Text="Hi mom" instead of just Label1="hi mom"?
	3. Encapsulate complexity.  The FSO class object was put into VB presumably
		to add new commands and possibilities.  But instead of keeping a simple 
		format, with automatic allocation, stream positioning, and complexity optional,
		MS became lost in the wordy FSO chicken soup with odd long file names, poor 
		documentation, infinite possibilities, and again, a lack of OOPs defaults. 
		So, instead of something like: "Open cdlg.filename for input as buffer1",
		Now at a minimum you must write:
			Dim myStreamBuffer1 As StreamReader
			myStreamBuffer1 = File.OpenText("c:\foo.txt")
		And instead of something like: Read buff1, Text1.text
		Instead you face something like:
			Dim strContents As String = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
		Most authors get so wound up the the chicken soup and worrying about the file
		pointers that roughly 50% forget to point out you still must
		close your files!!!  Basic file programming hasn't changed in 40 years
		but periodically it seems we must rediscover that snake pit just below the surface.
	4. The creation of forms is no longer handled automatically and the guts 
		of the process is a bone yard of instantiations exposed like
		the bones of a beached whale, inviting every new student to foul up what 
		remains of a code that MS has already fouled up and dumbed down to
		the point of near inoperability!
	5. They did the same thing with the GDI graphics library, a BP oil spill implementation.
	6. Make easy things easy. To draw a line, the command should simply be "draw" or "line" 
		followed by the coordinates.  Let the computer do the memory management, that's what
		computers are for. It is a wonderful suggestion, really.
	7. Get rid of anything on the screen that is not part of the program or is unlikely
		to ever get modified:  e.g.>>>> Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
		WHAT?  In 40 years of programming I have never needed to mess with, look at, or
		get all up there touchy feely with such a line of code. I made an occasional
		friend object in C++ and VB6 but why use templates in VB unless you are
		certifiable and there are sheep. (Are ther sheep or did you steal HP's STL again??)
	8. But if I did, the documentation isn't there!!  Hint, hint!!
	9. Dear MS, give us the other horse for a while. 99% of us want to ride that dappled 
	    Palomino that is dying to please us, or that old Amish mare that plods an 
		even step.  We don't want to train the horse every time.  And no one wants
		to hitch his buggy to a wild stallion requiring a verbose library of obscenity.
		Example, the the key word "malloc" has killed more programs than the Spanish 
		Inquisition.  So why add it and make it a "feature" of the VB.Net groin pull?  
	10. If 99% of the programs are less than one page of code, why turn on option explicit
		by default? 
	11. Invest in simplification (for the programmer, not for MS silly). The variant
		data type was created for a very, very, very important purpose, to save time. 
		And when a variant isn't used, how about some help, instead of saying:
		"dim sally as moose, tom as moose, herd(42) as moose"      How about instead:
		"Uses moose"  or 
		 "!Moose sally,Tom,herd(42)"  They copied the crap from C and C++ and left the
		 easier stuff.  What a company?
	12. Invest in simple tools and then label them so you can find and use them! It
		shouldn't take hours to write a help file, make an icon, or package a short 
	13. Simplify and build up things that people complain about, unicode, rich text boxes,
		handling of file suffixes.
	14. Bring back and fix things that you have messed up, like string commands. It takes
		hours to do in C++ what VB6 can do in seconds. The drift toward C++ is that 
		mustang, Palomino thing. No mustang needed!
	15. Most casual users have a serious problem with base 0 constructions, "awe mom 
	 	can't I play with dad's rifle, just this once?" This is ego country, big
		killer egos. My base smarts are better'n yorn.  So, make the commands 
		base 1 optional!  Then, if the code police show up on your porch and want
		to see your medical marijuana permit, you can show it to them. But since
		when does an actual list, search, or table start with a zeroeth entry? 
	16. Autoinvoke libraries (better). i.e. If I use a command from a common library
		then link the darn thing.  You can ask me if I want it. Yes, I want actual input,
		output, I/O and Multimedia in my program.  
	17. Bring back the print command. The GDI construct is wasteful.
	18. Don' mess up the good stuff.  The VB.Net object library is good.  The GUI blows.
	19. Don't be afraid to upgrade and market old software like GWBASIC and VB6.
	20. Take a look at the following 15 lines of code and the resultant display.
		Triple dog dare you to come even close in an hour with VB.Net
The plot above is from the program below..............
============How do you plot a differential equation in less than a minute in W7, useVB6========
Private Sub Command1_Click()
  'This program made on a W7 Platform using VB6 in less than a minute!
  'The rate of programmers leaving an unproductive tool is proportional
  'to the number of programmers.
T = 0: DT = 0.001: Scale (-2, 800)-(8, -80): ForeColor = RGB(200, 0, 0): BackColor = vbBlack
R = 500            'set the number of programmers 
K = 0.9            'set the rate constant for leaving 
While T < 6        'plot for 6 years 
DRDT = -K * R      'differential equation describing the market loss 
R = R + DRDT * DT  'Integrate to get the number of remaining programmers 
If T = 0 Then PSet (T, R) Else Line -(T, R)   'Plot em 
T = T + DT         'Find the time of day 
			'Make a grid 
For a = 0 To 8: For B = 50 To 700 Step 50 
PSet (a, B), vbYellow: Next: Next: Line (0, 0)-(7, 700), , B 
CurrentX = 2: CurrentY = -4: Print "Have a Nice Day": Command1.Caption = "Goodbye" 
End Sub